Archive Mode. Call 2021 Street Wise Boulder Mural Festival Call for Artists ended on 4/30/21, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls


Street Wise Boulder Mural Festival 2021

What we are looking for:
Mural Artists from diverse backgrounds, identities, ages, ethnicities, genders, abilities, and socio-economic status who are interested in creating a piece of mural art or installation work in a festival setting that reflects life in 2021, explicitly- celebrating cultural diversity, reflections on current cultural and social issues, Innovation and technology, digital AR/VR enhancements, non-traditional mediums and artist collaborations. Please be detailed in your proposals.

Application Details: 
Street Wise Mural Festival Artist Application

Select a category: (You may submit a maximum of 3 applications in different categories)
1. Mural Artist: You would like to be considered to paint a mural. Select a sub category: individual or collaboration.
2. Community Artist: You would like to be considered to create a mural or installation with a local community including engagement and installation. 
3. Teaching Artist: Subcategory: You would like to be considered as either a an Artist Mentor for a group of students in a mural project during the festival or you would like to lead a workshop. (select option in subcategory)

Submission Requirements: 
1. Proposal: Tell us about the work you would like to create for the festival, the ideas or inspiration behind the work and how it aligns with our festival mission.
2. Identity: Please tell us about who you are and how you identify from your own perspective. This could include your background, culture, life experience, gender or anything that makes you who you are. We strive to bring a wide range of perspectives to our mural festival, so knowing more about you is an important part of our process.
3. Supporting images/files: Existing Artwork Samples (3-5), Optional proposal sketches, (1-2) Additional information you feel is relevant to your application.(1-3)

Festival Dates: September 6th -12th 2021

Process: Arists applications will be reviewed by the 2021 Selection Panel and artists will be notified by July 1st 2021. 

Stipend: All selected artists will be paid a stipend consistent with typical festival rates, wall size, artist profile, experience and specific project scope.  

Artist Gallery Show: All invited artists are also invited to be included in the Street Wise Gallery show and artist reception the week of the festival. Art sales will be subject to a 50/50 split with Street Wise Boulder.

Eligibility: We accept submissions from artists in Colorado and across the US and from international countries. Keep in mind that we do not offer additional travel stipends. Around 75% of the selected artists will be based in Colorado. Arists must be at least 18 years of age at the time of the festival. 

Safety: We will be abiding by all current CDC and State of Colorado recommedations for COVID19 safety protocols including social distancing, mask mandates and any artist coming in from out of state will need to provide either a negative COVID19 test within 48 hours of arrival or proof of vaccination. 

Check out Street Wise Boulder website for more information about us.